Last Lap: Is Mila Kunis's Biggest Pregnancy Concern Her Vagina?

Filmmaker Spike Lee talks sports, iconic actress Ruby Dee has passed away, and more Kimye wedding photos are released (hint: baby North runs that ish).

  • In a recent interview, Mila Kunis told Marie Claire that her vagina "will be shredded" from giving birth. Yep, she went there. Although her and Ashton Kutcher have been hush hush about their relationship, Mila opens up (in more ways than one) about her current state of bliss. Delivery room plans? She says Ashton will be "head to head. Not head to vag". [E!]
  • There are two things we know director Spike Lee is passionate about: film and sports. Spike caught up with Nick Lachey on Big Morning Buzz Live to talk about the inspiration for his new short film The Game in anticipation for the World Cup. Where will he be watching the games? A Brazilian NYC spot. Represent!
  • [mtvn_player id="1728267" vid="1053124" autoplay="true"] 

  • Award-winning actress and civil rights activist, Ruby Dee, has passed away yesterday at age 91. Fortunately, she had a "peaceful" passing at her New Rochelle, New York home. Ruby was a stage legend who earned an Emmy and Grammy award and Oscar nomination. She will be missed. [CNN]
  • We've seen tons of photos from the Kimye wedding, but the best have just arrived: those featuring baby North. Just days away from her first birthday, the baby is already looking as fab as her parents, in a mini-Givenchy dress. You already know she's fancy as hell. [MTV News]
  • [Photo Credit: Getty]