Demi Lovato Just Solved The Starbucks Holiday Cup Controversy In A Single Tweet

Someone get Jeffrey Fields STAT.

Demi Lovato just dropped some knowledge on Twitter that will likely have Jeffrey Fields, Starbucks VP of Design & Content, giving himself multiple face palms.

Last week, Starbucks revealed its 2015 holiday cup design: a simple red ombre with the Starbucks logo on it. The holiday cup caused a ruckus on social media, as many thought that it didn't look "Christmassy" enough. Pretty much anyone who's ever heard of Starbucks feels some type of way about the cup, and they're coming clean about it.

American evangelist Joshua Feuerstein posted this psychotic Facebook video rant about the design (he also joked about bringing a gun into Starbucks, so watch with caution). Donald Trump, who doesn't even drink coffee, said that he wants to boycott Starbucks altogether. Britney Spears was more likely than not just at a Starbucks, unaware of why everyone was up in arms. Starbucks has polarized America! Everything's going to shit! WHERE IS BEYONCE?

And then, in the midst of the Great Starbucks Controversy of 2015, Angel of Peace Demi Lovato sent out this tweet, solving it all in just 16 words:

So. True. Why doesn't Starbucks make the holiday cup a seasonal cup? Why did this occur to NO ONE until now? ???

Truth be told, no one is really upset about the holiday cup design (except for Joshua Feuerstein), nor should they be. If you ask me, the holiday cup, which is literally red and green, is most definitely Christmassy. No, it's not the over-the-top Christmas cheer-type that people (yours truly included) dig around the holidays, but it's a subtle nod to Christmas. It's quiet, elegant and straightforward. There are worse things in this world—Rita Ora singing Adele's "Hello" in a language that she made up on the spot, for example. That's pretty bad. But the Starbucks controversy? Come on, people. It's not that deep.

Still, someone should copy Jeffrey Fields on that Demi tweet. For real. I want to drink my soy latte out of a snowmen-printed cup this season and I'm not sorry about it.

Mad props, Demi.