VH1's Weekly Wrap-Up: The Greatest Moments From The Week In TV

From Traci lashing out at Drew on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta to the Grand River Singers surprising Rob and Tim with a romantic dinner on Off Pitch, the week in VH1 warmed our hearts and had us yelling at our TVs at the same damn time. We winced as the ladies dug through the trash on Model Employee and laughed when Shekinah made some new friends while house hunting on T.I. & Tiny: The Family Hustle. But which moment takes the cake?

Check out our top picks below, and let us know your favorite clip from the week that was.

I'm Married To A...: Big Beautiful Women Come To Buffalo

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For a couple so happy and confident with themselves and their relationship, it was difficult to see Bruce and Jess long for friends in their new city of Buffalo. When they decide it's finally time to bring the BBW (Big Beautiful Women) and FA (Fat Admirers) community to upstate New York, we can let out a sigh of relief -- and a big smile -- knowing that this duo now has a new support system.

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta: Can Traci Trust Drew?

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If we've learned anything from watching Mimi and Stevie J, it's that raising a child with your ex isn't easy. Whether or not you think Traci and Drew should be together, you must commend her for working hard to successfully co-parent with a man obsessed with the acronym "THAHA." "How you live your life affects me and you don't even know it!" she cries during an emotional scene in front of his house. The worst part? Drew clearly still doesn't understand where she's coming from.

T.I. & Tiny: The Family Hustle: Shekinah Makes New Friends

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No matter where you go with Shekinah, one thing is guaranteed: she'll say what's on her mind AND meet people in the process. When Tiny tags along to visit an immaculate home in an upscale neighborhood, they come across a young couple who is also considering buying the house. Her banter with her competitors is hilarious and slightly uncomfortable, but only an appetizer to the flirting she'll do with the realtor in hopes he'll lower the asking price.

The Gossip Game: Squashing Beef

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Acting as the mediator, K. Foxx sits down with Ms. Drama and JasFly to help them reach some resolution. Watching these two women argue is like watching a train wreck audition on American Idol: you're sick of hearing a terrible sound, but you're really, really curious to see how the judges react. We're over this beef, and it's about time Drama and Jas finally came to the conclusion we realized weeks ago: they just don't get along.

Off Pitch: A Surprise Serenade

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Next to the idea of Beyoncé and Jay-Z divorcing (never!), the thought of Rob and Tim breaking up makes us want to crawl into a dark, joyless hole, never to speak (or sing!) ever again. After hearing that GRS has put a strain on the co-directors' personal relationship, the group concocts a plan to surprise Rob and Tim with a romantic evening in their backyard. The look on their faces and the group serenade? We're tearing up all over again.

Model Employee: Digging Through The Trash

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While most of the ladies face this week's challenge head on, Shah and Brittany's adventures with recycling requires medical attention. Brittany complained of makeup irritating her eye -- as if she's never worn pounds of color on her face before! -- and Shah quietly whimpers about getting glass in her hand. Aren't stilettos more painful?

Do you think Traci needs to give Drew more space? Would you be embarrassed by the things Shekinah says in public? Did your heart melt while watching GRS serenade Rob and Tim? Let us know which moment was your favorite from the week, below.

What Was Your Favorite VH1 Moment This Week?RELATED: VH1's Weekly Wrap-Up: Six Must-See Moments