Dirty Laundry! The Most Dysfunctional Celebrity Families
Jon Voight and Angelina Jolie
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Beyonce, Jay Z, Solange
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Kardashian-Jenner family
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
The Spellings
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Hogan family
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Baldwin Brothers
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Drew Barrymore and Jaid Barrymore
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Ryan O'Neal and Tatum O'Neal
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Michael Lohan, Lindsay Lohan, Dina Lohan
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Jackson Family
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Mackenzie and John Phillips
[Photo Credit: Getty Images]
Brody Jenner didn't go to the Kimye wedding but Jaden Smith did; Rob Kardashian left in a huff before the ceremony and Kim might be to blame. Yes, even the wedding day of the #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple did not come without some hiccups. Between the Kardashian-Jenner wedding drama and Solange and Jay Z's recent elevator spat, it's clear that even famous families have their share of conflict. And you thought your Thanksgiving dinners were the only ones to end in tears? Hardly.
Whether a child star grew up under the tutelage of an opportunistic stage mom looking for a party partner or years of infidelity threatens to ruin a very public marriage, there has been plenty of scandal in the world of glitz and glamour. To remember that these stars are actually human, or, perhaps, make you feel better about your own family, check out some of the most dysfunctional celebrity families of all-time. See, family drama doesn't just exist on the big and small screens; even the most successful broods are prone to fights here and there — or something much, much bigger.
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[Photo Credit: Getty Images]