Jim Carrey's Girlfriend Committed Suicide and Reportedly Left a Note for the Actor

Today, we learned that Jim Carrey's girlfriend Cathriona White tragically committed suicide. The makeup artist was only 28-years-old. TMZ tells us the LAPD found her body in a LA household after responding to a call last night. Cause of death is believed to be an overdose since pills were allegedly found next to her body.

What's chilling is that White reportedly left a suicide note for Carrey, 53, who she dated on-and-off since 2012. After recently reuniting in May, the two apparently broke up on September 24, which the note references. She tweeted this that same day.

This was her last tweet since her tragic death.

Come back to learn more as the story develops.

UPDATE: 9/29/2015, 1:35 PM ET

Carrey broke his silence, saying he's "deeply saddened" and "shocked" about the loss of "sweet Cathriona." The actor tells ET: "She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled. My heart goes out to her family and friends and to everyone who loved and cared about her. We have all been hit with a lightning bolt."