Love & Hip Hop Hollywood''s Amanda Secor On Meeting Moniece & Walking Down The Aisle With Fizz
One of the biggest and most dramatic storylines on Love & Hip Hop Hollywood is the drama between Fizz (AKA Dreux) and his baby's mother Moniece Slaughter and his serious girlfriend Amanda Secor. While Fizz has been dismissive of Moniece and not always communicative, Amanda has reached out to her in order to build a bridge.
VH1 recently caught up with Amanda about what it was really like to meet Moniece face-to-face, if she's intimated being in the reality world and if she and Fizz are going to say their 'I Dos.'
What are we going to find out about Amanda on Love & Hip Hop Hollywood? What makes Amanda tick? Are you involved in the music industry at all?
Amanda: I’m definitely not in this industry at all. I go to fashion school, I’m working on a clothing line, and so this whole entertainment world was definitely very new to me.
Was that intimidating at all to join a show that’s sort of infamous for making reality stars?
Amanda: It was definitely intimidating a little bit because I’ve never had to put my personal life and business out there so that was definitely intimidating to have people judge you and people make assumptions about you when they don’t know the real details or the past about what you’re going through.
For those of us that weren’t actually there, can you tell us a little bit about what it was like to meet Moniece for the first time?
Amanda: I actually went into the conversation with Moniece wanting to get along with her and have an amicable relationship, but she came in very aggressive and very angry and wanting to prove something but I think she needs to understand that she doesn’t need to prove anything to me. She needs to prove it to her son. Maybe stop worrying about me, and be a little bit more [concerned] about being present in her son’s life. So I think that was the only thing that I really didn’t understand-like why was she so hostile towards me?
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Did you feel like you already had an unfavorable opinion of Moniece because things that Fizz had told you?
Amanda: No, I definitely know the whole baby mama drama. I was definitely there, but I purposefully didn’t want to feel that way about her. I wanted us to be able to be adults and go into the situation mature and womanly, but she already had a different idea and a different agenda. She took it a different way than I was planning to go.
What is Moniece really like? Was it as manic and intense as it appeared to be?
Amanda: Everyone would always tell me that “Moniece is crazy, you don’t understand,” and I always thought like, “Oh no, you guys are exaggerating, no one can really be that crazy. I’m sure she’s fine,” but actually meeting her, I saw the crazy firsthand, and it definitely was intense and it was shocking to me. That’s why I kept laughing during the scene because I couldn’t believe that someone truly behaved like that.
Did the whole meet up go from zero to a hundred immediately?
Amanda: She came in the restaurant angry, and wanting to fight before we could even have a normal conversation. I think Moniece has a lot of aggression and resentment. She feels she has to behave this way to prove something, but she’s proving the wrong thing. I think she needs to channel her energy and aggression towards something else-towards the right people, not the people that are trying to help her and be in her corner and support her.
We chatted with Moniece recently and she mentioned that she had kind of met you before at her son’s birthday party and it wasn’t a great initial met. Can you give us your side of the story?
Amanda: Well, I definitely wouldn’t consider that us meeting. I said, hi, to her and she completely ignored me and wanted nothing to do with me. I know Moniece has horrible things to say about me. There’s nothing really bad that I want to say about her because she is Kameron’s mother, I would never want to disrespect her like that, because I know that she’s going through a lot and whatever our issues are, I think that it’s bigger than our little feud that she wants to make up. The meeting that we had at Kameron’s birthday party, I wouldn’t even consider it a meeting. She said nothing to me.
Moniece has mentioned that Dreux is a poor communicator and part of the reason she doesn’t see Kameron as much as she’d like. You’ve also said on the show Dreux isn’t great at communicating, is he going to change?
Amanda: I think that Dreux is a great father and he’s a great person, however he does have problems communicating with her because of the situation they have gone through. I think that at the end of the day, Moniece is using that as an excuse and as a mother, if you really wanted to get in touch with your child, and you really wanted to know what was going on with him, you would find a way. The phone thing was not like, “Okay, he didn’t pick up so I give up.” I think that’s kind of like a scapegoat that she’s using. Dreux definitely needs to work on his communication with her; however, it’s not all his fault. Moniece also needs to put double the effort into finding out what’s with her son. She needs to try a bit harder if you really are concerned with what’s going on with your son and what’s happening in his life.
As a woman who knows what it’s like to be in a relationship with Dreux, do you see her side though?
Amanda: I really wanted to see her side but as of right now, I don’t. I think she makes a lot of excuses and she kind of blames other people and she kind of does this go-around-the-circle thing. If she wanted to be in her son’s life, she would make the effort, and make the sacrifice that she needed to make to be in his life, and nothing should hold her back- not her business, nothing should hold her back. She obviously has time to go get her hair done and buy new shoes and new bag and that time and energy and that money could be put towards Kameron, and it’s not.
How has being on Love and Hip Hop Hollywood affected your relationship with Dreux?
Amanda: It’s definitely a challenge because everything is so magnified but I think me and Dreux do love each other, so I think we’ll be able to make it through any situation if we really do love each other like we do.
Is marriage in the future for you guys?
Amanda: Oh marriage? [Laughs] I don’t know, we’ll see. That’s a big question.
What about children? Do you have any children?
Amanda: I don’t have any children. No, not yet. I kind of want to wait a little bit more to feel faithful and secure. I’m just not ready for a kid yet. But soon maybe.
How are you adapting to being a sort of “stepmom” How’s that going?
Amanda: It definitely was hard at first to take on the responsibility and kind of make someone else a priority, when I’m used to being the priority in relationships. It was definitely hard to adjust to, but I love Kameron. I think he’s adorable, and he’s a really smart kid. I’m not going to lie, it was hard, but I think you get used to it. If you love someone, then you have to deal with everything they come with.
Aside from being with Dreux, what else do you have going on? What are we going to see of professional Amanda?
Amanda: I definitely want to build my clothing line and build my brand, and do that and get that established – maybe a jewelry line but definitely focusing on my career and the things that I want to do. I don’t want to just be another pretty face; I want to be a business owner and a business woman.
Are you a college graduate or are you still in school?
Amanda: I’m currently still…I go to FIDM right now so I have a few more classes left and then I’ll be graduating.
And you’re going to school, while you’re doing the show as well?
Amanda: Yes!
Oh my goodness!
A: I know! It’s a lot to handle, but I’m going to make it work.
Catch more Amanda, Fizz and Moniece on all new episodes of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood, Mondays at 8 PM ET/PT.