Fetty Wap and Masika Kalysha Share the Same Birthday and Adorably Showed One Another Some Love

Happy birthday Fetty and Masika!

Fetty Wap and Masika Kalysha share more than a child, they also have the same birthday. How cute is that?

The two continue to prove that everything is all good between them when they each took to InstaStory to send a happy birthday shout out to one another. Fetty shared the most adorable picture of his twin, Masika, matching with his other twin, Khari Barbi.



Masika returned the love with a throwback photo before Fetty fixed his grill. No shade, no shade.



Fetty and Masika turned 27 and 33 respectively. Happy birthday to Khari's parents. It's refreshing to see their friendship is still going strong.

In this throwback Love & Hip Hop Hollywood clip, Masika and Fetty talk co-parenting pre-Khari.