Erica Dixon Is Positively Glowing As She Gets Ready to Meet Her Twin Girls

Looks like when you have two babies, you adjust your glow accordingly!

The secret's out on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta! Erica Dixon told her cast mates Rasheeda, Mimi, Karlie Redd, and Momma Dee that she is expecting and she brought live props, y'all!

That's right, two bunnies in the oven! And it's almost time to meet them. Dixon posted a photo on Instagram sharing that she will welcome her little girls into the world in just a few days!

"In just a few days I’ll meet the two little angels God has blessed me with," she shared. "I’m beyond ready, nervous, and excited all at the same time. Thanks to all who prayed for me throughout this pregnancy. It worked and I’m so thankful that they are healthy with no issues or concerns. I can’t wait to love on them."

You'd think that carrying around two babies would mean you get a free pass when it comes to looking glam and gorgeous, but Miss Erica did not come to play with this pregnancy. She has been glowing for nine months now and, frankly, it isn't fair.

Like, for real. Glowing.

And I can just tell that it's natural and not Fenty highlight, you know?

And she's in heels!

TBH, it's rude for all of us who don't look like this even when we aren't carrying twins.

But I'll let it slide because, well, soon we'll get to see those babies!