Who Is Chet Haze? He's Tom Hanks' Rapper Son and He's Got Beef with Howard Stern

Tom Hanks, international cuddle beacon and sugar lump in human form, has three children: the delightful Colin, writer Elizabeth...and Chester, aka Chet Hanks, aka Chet Haze, a rapper who stays strapped, according to the Instagram photo below.

I know some crazy whiteboys that stay strapped 🔫 @chief5bow #bangbang

A photo posted by 👽I AM WHO I AM👽 (@chethanx) on Dec 9, 2014 at 3:26pm PST

This week, he's gotten himself into some manner of fracas with Howard Stern and company who dare question his commitment to that thug life. On Stern's March 24th show, Rude Jude said, "It irritates the shit out of me to see someone take that culture and appropriate it. It's like, come on, bro, you're not from that. You learned how to talk from a video, dawg." Mr. Haze did not appreciate this.

— Chester M. Hanks (@CHETHAZE) March 31, 2015

Anyone else read that as "I suck my own dick?" Just me? Anyway.

He then posted a photo of the "average yuppie cornball" who listens to Howard Stern. "Average yuppie cornball," said the very white, very rich Northwestern University theater major.

— Chester M. Hanks (@CHETHAZE) March 31, 2015

He also came for Wendy Williams. Sure why not.

This is by no means his first Twitter rant. In 2013, he went on a tear about his haterz, aka, "nerds."

— Chester M. Hanks (@CHETHAZE) December 2, 2013

— Chester M. Hanks (@CHETHAZE) December 2, 2013

He also reportedly backed out of a rap battle, presumably because we weren't ready for his flow. The youngest Hanks recently completed a stint in rehab and proclaimed himself 50 days clean and sober last November. Good for him for getting the help he needed. Hopefully this isn't one big cry for help.

Would you party with Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson?

[mtvn_player id="1733077" vid="1107575" autoplay="true"]

[Photo Credit: Getty Images]