Will Forte's Best Characters On Earth

With the premiere of Will Forte's new show Last Man on Earth debuting to surprisingly good numbers, we are once again blessed with this comedic force in our lives. Let's look back at some of his best characters on Saturday Night Live and beyond.

Tim Calhoun, SNL

[caption id="attachment_462016" align="alignnone" width="500"]tumblr_lrixc45PMR1qkl8dr [Photo Credit: Tumblr][/caption]With a weak voice and strong opinions on very particular and interesting things, Tim Calhoun isn't the political hero we deserve, and he's definitely not the one we need either. Though even we can get behind his "I miss dinosaurs; let's do something about that" campaign.

Paul L'astnamé, 30 Rock

[caption id="attachment_462019" align="alignnone" width="500"]tumblr_m99v7bEqkg1qb7gbyo1_1280 [Photo Credit: Tumblr][/caption]Jenna Maroney would be a difficult person to date. And that's why the only man worthy of her was a man who made it his life to be her — a drag impersonation version of her, at least. Paul and Jenna's relationship was unconventional, but their love was real and we were sold on all of it. We're happy Jenna found her gender dysmorphic bi-genitalian pan-sexuale.

The Falconer, SNL

The story of The Falconer was basically Don Draper gives it all up and goes Grizzly Adams. And we wish it too had run for seven glorious years.

Ted Turner, Conan

I don't care how accurate or inaccurate the impression is. Forte's Turner is the ultimate Turner. I bet Jane Fonda agrees.

Greg Stink, SNL

Twinkle and Stink were the ultimate sports commentator combination, and we only wish we could see them in action during the Super Bowl, the Olympics, or even the average bar bocce-ball team tournament.

Randy, How I Met Your Mother

[caption id="attachment_462029" align="alignnone" width="500"]tumblr_mhf4p2knnL1qaew3vo1_500 [Photo Credit: Tumblr][/caption]There's no one Barney Stinson can't wing-man into awesomeness. Except Randy. Sadly, Randy was almost unwingable. Almost -- Barney did manage to get Randy a date. The man was truly a god. Legen — wait for it — dary. 

MacGruber, SNL and MacGruber

[caption id="attachment_462047" align="alignnone" width="500"]tumblr_n534ku57Wk1sizmhgo1_400 [Photo Credit: Tumblr][/caption]MacGruber was, is and always will be everything. That's why despite the movie poor box-office performance, we're getting a MacGruber 2.

Kelly, Parks and Recreation

[caption id="attachment_462017" align="alignnone" width="500"]tumblr_llzovqE89r1qdx9hfo1_1280 [Photo Credit: Tumblr][/caption]We got to see a lot of old faces in the final season of Parks and Recreation, but sadly that didn't include Kelly, the Twilight-obsessed dad who staged a lock-in in Leslie's office to force her to include the book series in the Pawnee time capsule.

[Photo Credit: Getty Images]