Last Lap: What's Shaking "The Harlem Shake" Producer Up?

Are Selena Gomez and her gal pals calling Biebs a "douchebag?" And what do Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Azealia Banks all have in common now? The answers to these burning questions and more in today's Last Lap.

  • Harlem shake creator Baauer is being sued by "reggaeton-artist-turned-evangelical-preacher Hector Delgado and Philadelphia rapper Jayson Musso". Delgado and Musso claim that Baauer sampled their vocal track without permission and that it's Musso who says, "Do the Harlem Shake!".  I feel like this entire Harlem Shake craze has been a lie. [MTV News]

  • Is Selena Gomez making a swipe at Justin Bieber. It sure looks that way. Selena and her girls just uploaded a dance video to the song "Everybody Knows Your Boyfriend's a Douchebag", and the timing seems pretty suspect. [YouTube]

  • The latest trend in music seems to be canceling performances. Justin Bieber is blaming low ticket sales and Rihanna is citing medical issues, but Azealia Banks is blaming "road hags" . []

  • Michael Jackson's daughter Paris is taking to cheerleading. Apparently the King of Pop's scion is so preternaturally talented with the pompoms she's already fielding offers from the Philadelphia Eagles. [Daily Mail]
  • [Photo Credit: Getty Images]