Max Calls Brandi A Hypocrite For Taking Their Son's Money And Literally Everybody Is On His Side
Yeah, we're still talking about how Brandi took her son's money to open her own store because... who does that?!
On part one of the Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Reunion, Max reveals that the reason he was so mad at Brandi for taking the money he gave her for their son was that she's always getting on him for his spending habits. He gave her the money so that it would be safe, because he sometimes gets carried away and buys more luxuries than he maybe should, so when she does the same he sees those actions to be hypocritical.
When taking a poll around the room, everyone's feelings are pretty similar to Max's. Moniece says she could give a f--- if that's what Brandi thought the right move for her family was, while Shanda explains though she would never do the same to her family, she knows her intentions were good. A1 joins in and says he would feel exactly how Max felt had the same thing happened to him.
Brandi proudly states that she has since paid back the full $27,000 and her store is standing strong and doing very well.
Catch part two of the Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Reunion next Monday at 8/7c!