James Corden Gets Katy Perry to Rank Her Exes' Sex Game

It was either that or a thousand-year-old egg.

James Corden seems to have a gift for getting celebrities to spill the tea, and we are so grateful for it.

The late night host dropped in on Katy Perry's weekend-long YouTube livestream for a rousing game of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts. As the game goes, Corden and the guest go back and forth with a round of uncomfortable questions that they either have to answer honestly or skip in exchange for a nibble on something super gross.

When faced with the option of eating a thousand-year-old egg (hell to the nah) or a truthful ranking of how good her exes John Mayer, Orlando Bloom and Diplo were in bed...the choice was a no-brainer. Here were the results (to be fair, she says they were all pretty good):




That wasn't the only tough question traded between the two. James was asked if there's ever been an act he's refused to have on carpool karaoke. Without an ounce of shame, he admitted it was the band The Wanted. And for the first time in probably all of Spill Your Guts history, Katy offered an additional bit of tea about her personal life that wasn't in the cards. Click below to hear her reveal who's the one that got away.

Remember India from ANTM? Well, she has an uncanny Katy Perry impression. Check it out!