Jose Canseco Has Accused A-Rod Of Cheating With His Ex, Former 'Hollywood Exes' Star Jessica Canseco
The (gigantic) engagement ring has barely settled onto Jennifer Lopez's finger and her husband-to-be, Alex Rodriguez is being accused of cheating. Can they live for, like, a second?
A-Rod is being accused by former New York Yankees player, Jose Canseco, of cheating on J. Lo with Canseco's ex-wife and former Hollywood Exes cast memberJessica. Jessica has been divorced from Canseco since 1999. (Learn more about her in the profile below.)
Canseco made the accusation on Sunday night tweeting, "Watching World of Dance watching J.Lo text Alex Rodriguez little does she know that he is cheating on her with my ex-wife Jessica poor girl she has no idea who he really is."
He continued to rant on Twitter about the alleged affair. He said, "I was there a few months back with her when he called her on the phone."
He then urged A-Rod to "stop being a piece of sh-t..."
And then challenged him to a boxing or MMA match.
And then said he'd take a lie-detector test to prove it.
Funny enough, this isn't even the first time Jose has publicly called out his wife for her alleged dalliances. In this clip from Hollywood Exes, he accuses her --- in front of their daughter --- of sleeping with an old man for his money.