Brittney Taylor Takes the Gloves Off and Releases a Vicious Diss Track Aimed At Bianca Bonnie

"It's like you are my biggest fan. I took care of you and let you stay in my crib when you had nowhere to go."

Brittney Taylor woke up one day and said "I'm not playing with Young B anymore," before proceeding to come for her whole existence in a new diss track.

The beef that keeps on brewing doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon and now one side of the Love & Hip Hop rivalry added more flames in releasing 3:40 of lyrical slaughter. Brittney Taylor hopped on Missy Elliot's "She's a B---h" beat to settle her issues with Bianca Bonnie how she knows best, in the booth.

Out the gate Brittney raps "I ain't really about to play with this b---h," and in listening to the rest of her bars, play she does not.

From speaking on alleged Chris Brown stalking allegations to feeling like Bianca jacked her swag, it's safe to say that Brittney sounds fed up. She even takes a shot at newbie Kiyanne. All's fair in hate and rap and something tells us Kiyanne and Bianca will be laying down a few lyrics of their own to return that same energy.

Take a listen to the track above. Bars or nah?