These Scary Real-Life Clowns Make Twisty from 'American Horror Story' Seem Cute

John Wayne Gacey, The Killer Clown

[Photo: Getty Images]


[Photo: Getty Images]

The Mexican Cartel Clown Assassin

[Photo: Getty Images]

The West Palm Beach Killer Clown

[Photo: Getty Images]

Carrickfergus Killer clown


Facebook/Carrick Clown Killers]

The Mysterious Clowns Of Wasco, California

[Photo: Facebook/WascoClown]

The French Clown Gangs

[Photo: Getty Images]


[Photo: @gijonclown]

Insane Clown Posse

[Photo: Getty Images]


[Photo: Getty Images]

Maybe it’s all Stephen King’s fault. Ever since his Pennywise character scared the pants off people in his 1986 horror novel It, people’s notions of clowns have gone from fun-loving balloon bearers to homicidal maniacs. In recent years, however, there have been some real life scary clowns that actually have spread fear and havoc, and in some cases murder.

Coulrophobia is the official term for a fear of clowns. And this season of American Horror Story: Freak Show, which centers around the grisly murders of the hideously disfigured Twisty The Clown, has not eased people’s phobias. But believe me, when you read about some of the following horrible harlequins, the show will seem like a fairy tale. Check out real-life scary clowns who make Twisty seem cute.

[Photo: Getty Images]