Eddie Redmayne Says Benedict Cumberbatch Haunted His 'Theory of Everything' Performance

Benedict Cumberbatch Eddie Redmayne Other Boleyn Girl

[Photo: Columbia Pictures]

Eddie Redmayne Benedict Cumberbatch

[Photo: BBC, Focus Features]

Eddie Redmayne Benedict Cumberbatch

[Photo: Getty Images]

Eddie Redmayne Benedict Cumberbatch

[Photo: Getty Images]

Eddie Redmayne Benedict Cumberbatch

[Photo: Getty Images]

Eddie Redmayne and Benedict Cumberbatch are both very good actors, who also happen to be dapper Englishmen who know how to wear a suit. In his new movie The Theory of Everything Redmayne transforms himself into renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking, a role his friend Cumberbatch portrayed in the 2004 BBC film Hawking.

Redmayne says he didn't seek out his old pal for advice on how to play the talented physicist nor did he consult the previous TV project. And yet the spirit of Cumberbatch caught up with him anyway. Much like his photobombs, Cumberbatch has a knack for popping up where you least expect him. If only the rest of us could be so lucky. Check it out below.

[mtvn_player vid="1095624" autoplay="true"]

[Photo: BBC, Focus Features]