Reese Offers to Tattoo Cobra to Prove That She Isn't a Fraudulent Artist in this 'Black Ink Crew: Chicago' Highlight

"As another tattoo artist that I respect, I want to show her that I can do this."

It's do or die time, literally. Cobra isn't playing games.

Reese has been rubbing Cobra the wrong way and now she must prove herself. In this Black Ink Crew: Chicago highlight, there "[have] been so many misunderstandings" between Cobra and Reese so the newbie artist offers to tattoo Cobra as a peace offering. It's no secret that Cobra hasn't been feeling Reese, especially after learning she stole someone else's work and credited it as her own but with something this intimate, hopefully that will change.

After viewing her beacon tattoo in the mirror, Cobra "f---ing loves it," killing whatever issues they had in the past. Reese put in a lot of work and Cobra has no choice but to respect it.

Don't miss an all new Black Ink Crew: Chicago, next Wednesday at 8/7c!