Grinding On That Wood: From Beyonce To Blue Crush, The Most Iconic Surfboards In Pop Culture
Gidget Surfboard
Elvis Presley In Blue Hawaii
Beach Party Annette Funicello
Beach Boys
The Flintstones Surfin Fred
Apocalypse Now Surfing
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
Baywatch Surfboard
Luke Perry Dylan McKay 90210
Point Break Surfboard
Kelly Slater
First Annual Teen Choice Awards Nsync Surfboard
The Simpsons The Great Money Caper
Blue Crush Surfing
Charlie's Angels Full Throttle Surfboard
The OC Volchock Surfing
The Silver Surfer
One Direction Kiss You Surfboard
Beyonce Surfboard
The surfboard is, obviously, the thing you go surfing on. But pop culture has rendered it so much more than that. From the beach movies of the 60s with their barely believable studio beach sets to the surf culture bands and songs that went along with them, the surfboard is just as ubiquitous in pop culture as it is out on the break. Pop culture has taken the surfboard everywhere, too: from its humble Californian beginnings to the Stone Age to the Vietnam War and even into the fantasy world of Marvel Comics.
Now, with Beyoncé's "Drunk In Love" charging the charts and BeyHivers everywhere getting about chanting "Surfbort, surfboard", it seems only right that we pay homage to the surfboard as it appeared in pop culture. Forget the illuminati; pop culture, for the last 60 odd years, has embraced the surf cult. From actually riding waves to robbing banks and winning awards, the surfboard has aided in some of pop cultures most iconic moments.