This Teenager Spent $25,000 to Look Like David Beckham and More Beauty + Style News

Chance the Rapper is being such a tease in this Kenzo x H&M ad.

By Amanda Jolicoeur-Louis

Jack Johnson, an unemployed 19 year old from the UK, has been getting intensely roasted on the interweb after revealing that he has spent over £19,000 ($25,497) on plastic surgery to make him look like David Beckham and the kicker (see what I did there?) is that he plans on spending 3x that amount in order to reach his ultimate goal of being Beckham’s doppelganger. We'll check back in to see how the final product looks.

  • Chance The Rapper gave us a sneak peak of the highly anticipated Kenzo x H&M collaboration due out in November. He’s one of the MANY campaign brand ambassadors for the collection and he’s been successfully building up intense #FOMO in our hearts and closets alike.

  • After announcing their partnership in July, the Future x Reebok collection “Freebandz” is finally hitting shelves. Don't expect complimentary cups of dirty sprite with each purchase.

  • Diddy’s adorable twin daughters modeled for Halcyon’s Fall 2016 and ovaries across the nation sighed in unison.