Jimmy Fallon's Impression of Morgan Freeman Deserves an Academy Award
As a Saturday Night Live alumnus, it's no surprise Jimmy Fallon slays at impressions. However, he took things to another level Monday night on The Tonight Show with his Morgan Freeman bit. Our lives are forever changed. Really.
Jimmy and his guest Tina Fey were playing a rousing game of "First Impressions"--where, you guessed it, they did celebrity impersonations--when the host wowed us. After successfully mimicking Barbara Walters, Jimmy was then challenged with mirroring Mr. Freeman. And he nailed it. Jimmy said the phrase, "Don't even get me started about selfie sticks" with Morgan's signature deep voice and cadence. The audience cheered. We cheered. The whole world cheered.
Seriously, Jimmy deserves an Oscar for this--and an Emmy, Tony, Golden Globe, etc. Watch this brilliant impression (and more) in the clip above.