'Daytime Divas' Sneak Peek: Heather Reveals To Mo That She's Packin' Heat In Her Purse

Who knew Heather was packin' like this?

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The hosts and crew at The Lunch Hour need to beef up their security on set - a fact made blatantly obvious by Nina getting cornered by a terrifying stalker. That means (like it or not, Mo) everybody will be saying good morning to metal detectors. Mo and Heather are chopping it up per usual as they make their way through their new security check point when all of a sudden, Heather sets off the alarm. No need to necessarily panic though, right? It could be keys or a magnet she may have forgotten to check. WRONG! Heather has been exercising her right to bear arms by toting her pretty pink pistol all up and down set. Let us get this straight... Mo gets fired for sleeping with a PA but Heather gets to bring a real life gun on set and it's all fine and dandy? W.T.F!

Check out the sneak peek above and don’t forget to tune into Daytime Divas tonight at 10/9c.