The Worst Disney Channel TV Shows of All Time

Because they all can't be <em>Lizzie McGuire.</em>

If you were born in the early '90s, then Disney Channel was a way of life. Lizzie McGuire taught you everything there is to know about friendship. That's So Raven made you dream of being psychic. Hannah Montana gave you pop star FOMO. And, if anything, Even Stevens augmented your love for bacon.

But for every Lizzie McGuire, there's a Code:9. Granted, all DC shows have some level of fun-loving froth, but most can't hold a candle to the aforementioned gems. You know it's true. We combed through DC's catalog and picked the nine shows we feel have the least amount of sparkle. Let us know if you agree in the comments.

Cory in the House (2007-2008)

Something about this That's So Raven spin-off, which follows Cory Baxter (Kyle Massey) and his father Victor (Rondell Sheridan) to Washington, D.C. where Victor got a gig as the White House head chef, feels awkward and forced. It had all the ingredients of Raven, but none of the oomph.

Totally in Tune (June-August 2002)

One of DC's not-so-great forays into reality TV. This short-lived series followed the ups and downs of eight students at Alexander Hamilton High School Academy of Music in Los Angeles, California. Tender, but not exactly a hit. The show only lasted three months.

Shorty McShorts' Shorts (2006-2007)

It had an interesting style: An animated anthology series, hosted by a train conductor cartoon, with episodes that ran from four to five minutes. Cute? Absolutely. Unforgettable? Not so much.

I Didn't Do It (2014-2015)

This run-of-the-mill teen sitcom followed a brother-sister twin duo and their friends during early high school years. The show abandoned its flashback format by the second season. Eventually, the whole thing went kaput. And we understand why. It was harmless, but just not that good.

In a Heartbeat (2000-2001)

In theory, this was awesome: A reality show following high school students who work as part-time EMTs. In actuality? It was cheesy and only last a year.

Take Two with Phineas and Ferb (2010-2011)

Nothing will ever beat the first Phineas and Ferb, and that's the tea.

Code: 9 (July-September 2012)

This unscripted prank show was fine, but it was a tad too similar to PrankStars (2011). And, let's be honest, nothing conquers the original.

Dave the Barbarian (2004-2005)

Lasting only one season and 21 episodes, Dave the Barbarian was perhaps too silly for its own good.

Best Friends Whenever (June 2015-present)

Variety criticized the show's pilot for not utilizing its time travel elements and focusing on boring character details. And we agree. There is something about this show that just feels off.