Pretty Boys? Rock Stars in Truly Insane Makeup

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With schlock rock pioneers, Kiss, going on a forty-city tour this summer (a grueling schedule for aging Baby Boomers; hope they're bringing Ben-Gay) -- we realized that the band was celebrating a huge milestone in 2014. Forty years of wearing truly psychotic makeup. Sure, they weren't the first to do it - - that title goes to that weasly-genius Alice Cooper -- but the fact that they were four big, brawny New York dudes made up to look like clown demons was super-memorable. And they took it so seriously! Each member was painted in the style of a different character: Starchild (Paul Stanley), The Demon (Gene Simmons), Space Ace (Ace Frehley) and Catman (Peter Criss). Totally bonkers, but seventh grade boys adored their freaky looks. Next up? A slew of bands hit stages looking like ghouls crossed with drag queens.

From Jared Leto, who toyed with the weirdo-crazed makeup thing (but is ultimately too pretty to pull it off), to Poison, who looked like a handful of Miss Universe contestants instead of rock stars, let's take a look at the most ludicrous makeup jobs in rock 'n roll!

[Photo: Getty Images]