Watch 'Black Ink Crew' Star Sky's Oldest Son, Genesis, Give His First Public Interview

Sky's 19-year-old son breaks his silence.

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When Sky revealed on Black Ink Crew that she gave birth to two sons as a teenager, it was easily the most gut-wrenching moment of the series. Her raw emotion about giving the boys up for adoption and missing out on being a mother to them was heartbreaking and she was brave to share her truth. On the show, it was explained that the boys were not yet 18, so for many reasons we wouldn't be seeing them with Sky on the show.

Now though, Sky's oldest son, Genesis, who is 19, has given his first interview and has revealed some details about himself. (Apparently the interview was conducted at Dutchess's Pretty-N-Ink shop in North Carolina.). Alongside his father, Reese, Genesis spoke with Vivian Billings at

In the interview, Genesis and his father discuss their relationships with Sky and the timeline of events when she gave birth to him. Reese explains that she was just 14 when they found out she was pregnant, and that his family moved across the country during her pregnancy, which is why he wasn't physically around for her and the baby.

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Do we think Genesis resembles Sky a little?

On the new season of Black Ink Crew, Sky sees this interview for herself and obviously has an emotional reaction to what Genesis says. It's in Part Two of the interview where he makes some especially brutal comments that upset her.

Genesis explains that he has never had a relationship with Sky and at the moment he is not interested in having a relationship with her. "I would have loved to have a relationship with her a long time ago," he explains, adding that now that he's grown he doesn't feel the need to reconnect. He also adds that he only met his birth father, Reese, last year. Genesis explains that as an adolescent he spent a couple years in jail for selling drugs and aggravated assault. And as for his younger brother, he says he has kept in touch with him through the years but adds that they've been out of touch recently. "From what I'm told, he's started working the streets."

It definitely sounds like the family has a complex situation and as Reese says, he hopes that he can facilitate a relationship between mother and son for both of their sake.

Black Ink Crew airs Wednesdays at 9/8c.\r