Henry Cavill Goes Undercover to Prank 'Suicide Squad' Cast at Comic-Con

Superman's a prankster.

It's becoming tradition for celebrities to go undercover at Comic-Con, and this year, Henry Cavill was quick to keep the trend going.

The star of the latest round of Superman movies donned a Guy Fawkes V for Vendetta mask to sabotaged the Suicide Squad meet-and-greet for a few autographs and selfies. Cavill, who surprisingly went completely undetected while on the main floor, secretly made his way up to Will Smith's panel for a photo. As soon as the snap was taken, he removed his mask, and left our new Deadshot and the rest of the cast with bursts of laughter and a shocked face.

Superman posted the prank on his Instagram with the caption, "Best Comic Con yet. I got to be here for Justice League but couldn't miss Suicide Squad." Watch below.